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3 Couple Adventures for Stronger Relationships

Couple who were able to find love in skydiving.
A New WifeLearn 3 must-try couple adventures that keep relationships from falling apart.

The famed novelist Mark Twain once said: “...you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.”

Most of us have a tendency to shy away from the unknown preventing us from discovering what’s on the other side of our fears and apprehensions. The same can be said about relationships as well.

Most couples, especially those who have been together long enough, tend to neglect nurturing their bond by consciously refusing to add something new and exciting in their relationship. Dates become less frequent, conversations become arguments, and before you even know it, your relationship becomes boring and stale.

In order to avoid falling into such an abyss, it is imperative that you constantly do something together which ignites your soul and leaves you with a lasting memory that you can share with each other. Hence here are 3 adventures you shouldn’t miss trying as a couple:

  • The swing at the edge of the world, Ecuador

    Who would’ve thought that hopping on a swing can be an adventure of a lifetime? In Casa Del Arbol, Banos, Ecuador, a tree house with an unusual swing attracts thousands of adrenaline junkies every year. The structure was purposely built on the edge of a cliff to serve as a seismic monitoring station.

    At 9,000 ft above sea level, swinging off the edge of the cliff will certainly require an enormous amount of courage and guts. The swing is made up of sturdy metal beams and thick ropes. Although there aren’t any safety harnesses or belts to keep you from falling, the view you’ll get when you swing from the edge is worth taking the chance nonetheless.

  • Bungee Jumping in Extremo Park, Monteverde, Costa Rica

    While conquering your fears is more satisfying if done alone, doing it with the person you love will make it a lot easier. What better way to conquer your fear of heights than jumping from the highest bungee jump in Central America together?

    Jumping from a platform 143 meters off the ground will surely get your heart racing. Your trip to the platform alone is already an adventure in itself.

    The only way to get to the jumping platform is via a cable car that gives you a 360 degree view of a beautiful valley. It’ll surely be an experience you will tell your grandkids about.

  • Skydiving in Pattaya, Thailand

    An adventure bucket list without skydiving in it is not an adventure bucket list at all. If you and your girl are one of those people who have always wondered what it feels like to fly, tandem skydiving in Pattaya, Thailand could be your key to experiencing just that!

    Jumping off a plane at 13,000 feet is the most freeing and liberating sensation there is. With a professional skydiving instructor strapped behind you, you don’t really have to worry about things going south.

    Your quest to find love is already a leap of fate in itself. If you haven’t taken that leap, you may have not found the love of your life in the unlikeliest places and the unlikeliest people. So who knows, you might just get your most memorable couple experience doing the unlikeliest things. Just take that leap!

Limiting your relationship by going through the same, monotonous experiences is a common mistake that most couples do. Instead of getting stuck in a daily routine, make wonderful memories with your lady instead by adding spontaneity in the activities you do together.

This is especially beneficial for couples involved in foreign dating. Being from different parts of the world, speaking different languages and practicing different cultures and traditions, you don’t have a lot of things in common to begin with. Thus it is important that you create memories that either of you can relate to and reflect on.

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